Who plays with diril Cymbals

Jorge Flynn
Pm.D. 1995, Berklee College of Music, Boston, drums and percussion with
a concentration in "Music Business Management, Music Production and
Performance. Drummer, Musical Director and Producer of the up-coming
pop-rock band FORMANDO LIOS.
Prof. Jorge Flynn, M.B.A., former Executive Director of Business Center for
Musicians (CEMCA) Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico. The first music
entrepreneurship center in Puerto Rico, and fourth in continental U.S., to
assist musicians in developing sustainable careers in the music industry.
Also, he is the Founder, President & CEO of Artistic Partners, Corp., an
organization that assist the Puerto Rico?s music community in the
distribution of knowledge, music education and support required to build a
successful career in the musical arts. In addition, the organization provides
advocacy on a private, state and federal level to incentivize the creation of
wealth among musicians.
Project managed music community programs for Banco Popular
Foundation, Luis. A. Ferré Foundation, Puerto Rico Conservatory of Music,
and the Inter American University of Puerto Rico; in all music programs.
Recently, appointed Adjunct Faculty of University of Puerto Rico and
University of the Sacred Heart
He has over 29 years of musical career as a studio musician & music
educator @CODIGO1311, Project Manager and Producer with various
local and international artists such as Domingo Quiñones, Michael Stuart,
Limi- T-21, Vico-C, Sol D 'Menta, La Secta AllStar, Son by Four, Alfareros,
Millo Torres and the Third Planet, NG2, Pedro Jose, Carlos Aponte, Edwin
Rivera, Obbie Bermudez, Tommy Torres, Calle 13, Charlie Sepulveda,
The Pacifica Quartet, Ricardo Morales, Alfonso Fuentes, Kathy Jones,
Saxton Rose, The Figueroa Family, Elisa Torres, Peer Music, T-Mobile,
among others.
It has 4 Latin Grammy nominations in different categories. He is also a
member of NAMM (National Association of Music Merchandisers) and
NARAS (The Recording Academy-Grammys) and LARAS (The Latin
Recording Academy-Latin Grammys), where in the last one he serves as a
juror at the ?Screening and Nomination Committees?.
Contact info: Phone: 1-787-223-2060
E-mail: jflynn@artisticpartners.net
E-mail: jorgeaflynn@gmail.com
Label: Artistic Partners, Corp/Codigo 1311
Formando Líos: http://www.facebook.com/formandoliosoficial
YouTube: Formando Líos
Drums: Ludwig: https://artists.ludwig-musser.com/jorge-flynn
Cymbals: Diril Cymbals
Drumheads: CODE Drumheads
Public Relations: Grandes Eventos